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Queen’s Uni rolls out £5m research scheme to tackle cyber threats

Queen’s University in Belfast is set to improve the research into hardware security with the launch of a £5m cyber-security centre, tackling threats in smart technology in particular.

With the increase in smart technology in everyday appliances, such as kettles, cars and toys, the focus will be to keep hackers out of the public’s homes.

Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences research Council (EPSRC) and National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE) at Queen’s will be a global centre for research in hardware security over the next five years, one of four cyber security institutes in the UK.

“We will also work closely with leading UK-based industry partners and stakeholders, transforming research findings into products, services and business opportunities, which will benefit the UK economy,” said RISE director Prof O’Neill.


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