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INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: Gallagher access control systems

Does your access control system allow you to implement, enforce and report on business policies and processes at every point using physical security infrastructure and command centre?

If not, it should. Access management can be based on individual competencies allowing your business to effectively manage compliance with business policy and government regulations.

Features and benefits

  • Check personnel at the door to make sure they are capable, qualified and compliant.
  • Monitor inductions, licenses, training and qualifications to only allow people access to areas they are qualified to be in.
  • Use random cardholder selection to check competencies and licensing.
  • Import competencies, images, roles and access rights from existing human resources, contractor management, or enterprise identity management systems.
  • Real-time audit trail provides prompt and reliable decision-making information.

Competency-based access management

  • Access management can be based on individual competencies.
  • Safety – is the employee inducted, trained, licensed and fit for work?
  • Equipment – does the employee have the right safety equipment?
  • Security – does the employee have the right clearance?
  • Regulatory compliance – are there other requirements the employee has to meet?
  • Validity periods and competence expiry can also be monitored. Access decisions are delivered to the individual instantly by the door reader or display monitor, or via SMS.
  • A variety of messages can be displayed which prompt the employee to proactively address any forthcoming issues that arise. If access is denied, then the individual is immediately informed of the appropriate corrective action.

The benefits of competency-based access management are:

  • Automatic enforcement of business OH&S rules and policies.
  • Reducing production disruption caused by presence of non-compliant staff.
  • Tangible evidence of duty of care to staff and customers.
  • Automatic compliance with government regulations.
  • Reduction in financial penalties for non-compliance.
  • Reduction in legal risks arising from employee accident claim.
  • Reduced likelihood of an employee failing to maintain access requirements.



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