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Cyberthreats and IT governance are top concerns for auditors in 2023

Cyberthreats and IT governance are top risk areas for internal auditors to address in their audit plans for 2023. That’s according to the Gartner 2023 Audit Plan Hot Spots Report, which identifies the top 12 risk focus areas for Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) to help them identify risks to their organisations and plan audit coverage […]

Cybersecurity and Financial Services – How Can Organisations Combat the Threat?

By Genevra Champion, Sector Marketing Manager, IT Governance The financial services industry is naturally a lucrative target for cyber criminals. Financial organisations trade and control vast amounts of money, as well as collect and store customers’ personal information so clearly, a data breach could be disastrous for an industry that is built on trust with its customers.  The financial services industry is […]

GUEST BLOG: SME collaboration delivering effective Public Sector IT security

Written by Bernard Parsons, CEO, Becrypt When Becrypt began developing security technology for government more than a decade ago, relationships with Systems Integrators were the only viable route to understanding and accessing customer requirements. Our experiences today are of a vastly more diverse supply chain, with some major government programmes consuming our services as part of […]

Guest Blog: The cyber resilience model

For too long, organisations have sought the holy grail of 100% Cyber Security. But security is never absolute; it is essential to understand that a breach is inevitable. It is the way in which organisations respond to a cyber security breach that is critical. Alan Calder, Chief Executive of GRC International plc, parent company of […]

GUEST BLOG: People and processes are key to effective cyber security

Alan Calder Founder and Executive Chairman at IT Governance Cyber security investment continues to spiral, with Gartner predicting global security spend will reach £71.72 billion by the end of the year, as a result of regulatory change, mindset and a growing awareness of threats. And with over 40 per cent of UK businesses experiencing some […]