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UK university students at risk from email scams, says report

Research has found that none of the UK’s top 10 universities actively block fraudulent emails from reaching recipients. Proofpoint has released data identifying that 97% of the top universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia are lagging on basic cybersecurity measures, subjecting students, staff and stakeholders to higher risk of email-based impersonation attacks. […]

Identify and investigate Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams

Business Email Compromise is an email-based phishing attack that specifically targets businesses and organizations to steal money, sensitive information, or account credentials. These attacks can be difficult to prevent as criminals may utilize social engineering techniques such as impersonation and intimidation to manipulate users. Threat actors will often prepare for BEC attacks by first performing […]

Download your complimentary copy of the 2021 Gartner Market Guide for Email Security

By Tessian Big News! Tessian has been recognized as a Representative Integrated Cloud Email Security (ICES) Vendor in the 2021 Gartner Market Guide for Email Security. Learn more about the changing threat landscape, Gartner’s recommendations, and what sets Tessian apart. This report states that “Email continues to be a significant attack vector for both malware […]

The email authentication challenge

Email is the #1 way attackers target an organisation’s customers and email ecosystem. DMARC (Domain-based Messaging, Reporting & Conformance) authentication, specifically with an enforcement policy of Reject, is the single most effective way to close this vulnerability inherent to email. While the premise of authentication is straightforward, organisations can encounter roadblocks and challenges along the […]

Normalising data leaks: A dangerous step in the wrong direction

It was only recently, in early April, when it came to light that the personal data from over 500 million Facebook profiles had been compromised by a data leak in 2019. And since then, an internal Facebook email has been exposed, which was accidentally sent to a Belgian journalist, revealing the social media giant’s intended strategy for dealing with […]

WEBINAR REWIND: How to Tackle Working From Home Security Threats

Last week ZIVVER hosted a webinar during which participants learned the secrets to securing an organization’s communications while safeguarding against costly data leaks with a remote workforce – if you missed this essential session you can re-watch it again now. The lively 30 minute discussion includes expert insight and opinion from: Quentyn Taylor is Head of […]

Is email security training a waste of your time?

If users are the ones being tricked, train users and they won’t get tricked. Easy! Except it doesn’t quite work like that. Can user training ever hope to keep pace with the constantly evolving threat landscape? And who decided user training was the right solution in the first place? Click here to read the latest […]

The Rising Email Threat: Are instant messaging tools the answer?

By Barracuda Networks At Barracuda we believe two heads are better than one. Following that logic, we can’t argue the value of the opportunity to hear from our peers on industry trends. We recently discovered through such means that, for the channel, email security is its biggest focus in 2019, as partners are increasingly helping their customers fight […]

Document-based malware increase ‘alarming’

Researchers have uncovered what they’re calling an ‘alarming’ rise in the use of document-based malware. A recent email analysis conducted by Barracuda Networks revealed that 48% of all malicious files detected in the last 12 months were some kind of document.  More than 300,000 unique malicious documents were identified. Since the beginning of 2019, however, […]

Ransomware and phishing top concerns for IT professionals

Ransomware (24%) and phishing attacks (21%) are the top two concerns among IT leaders in 2018, according to new research. Barracuda surveyed more than 1,500 IT and security professionals in North America, EMEA, and APAC about their IT security priorities, how these have shifted over the 15 years and what is expected to change within […]