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Going phishing? Five emails you don’t want in your inbox

Phishing attacks are the most common form of cyber attack. Why? The simplicity of email gives cyber criminals an easy route in, allowing them to reach users directly with no defensive barriers, to mislead, harvest credentials and spread malicious elements. All organisations think it won’t happen to them, but phishing isn’t a trap that only […]

Does your MSSP add value? Unsure? Switch

It goes without saying that employing a MSSP should make managing your cyber security easier. But that’s not always the case. Ask yourself these five questions to determine whether your MSSP is actually adding the value it claims to be adding. If you aren’t confident, take the first step towards working with a reputable partner […]

Four questions you need to answer after a cyber attack

By Corvid Cyber attacks are inevitable, but it’s how you deal with them that can make or break your business. Have you got all the answers, and do you fully understand their implications? Can you be sure the attack won’t happen again? There are four key questions you need to be able to answer following […]

How to manage, detect and respond to a data breach

Can you be 100% confident that your business has not been compromised? How would you know if the attacker has not used malware or a virus that would be picked up by the perimeter defences? Even when a compromise is identified, many companies aren’t sure what the next steps should be. It is the speed […]

Is email security training a waste of your time?

If users are the ones being tricked, train users and they won’t get tricked. Easy! Except it doesn’t quite work like that. Can user training ever hope to keep pace with the constantly evolving threat landscape? And who decided user training was the right solution in the first place? Click here to read the latest […]

Are trusted employees your biggest threat?

Trusted employees have access to company-sensitive information, assets and intellectual property, and permission to make financial transactions – often without requiring any further approval. Attackers target these privileged, trusted people – impersonating suppliers, regulators and colleagues – and try to encourage them to do something they have permission to do, but shouldn’t, like diverting payments […]

Save £35k by deleting emails from your CEO

You work in finance. You get an email from your CEO addressing you by your first name, apologising for the late Friday email, but requesting you make an urgent payment to a regular supplier, with account details helpfully provided in the email. You’d pay it, right? CEO fraud is an increasingly common type of phishing […]

Could your most trusted employee be your biggest threat?

95% of cyber security breaches are due to human error, which in reality means it could be any user, at any time. The best bit? They probably won’t even know they’re doing something wrong, but they have inadvertently just become an unintentional insider threat. As Andy Pearch, Head of IA Services, CORVID, explains, organisations need to stop playing […]