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Hold tight for 2021: A volatile global outlook will continue to fuel fraud and cyber-threats

By Ian Newns, Fraud Specialist at RSA Security 2020 was full of surprises. But one thing that didn’t come as a revelation was the speed and agility with which the criminal community reacted to unfolding global events. We’ve often witnessed groups behind phishing attacks, for example, capitalise on breaking news stories and consumer behavioural change to […]

WEBINAR: Security Champions – Making the Business Case

You have an awesome idea. You plan it in full. You share it with your colleagues. What happens next? Hang-on… They’re not jumping up and down. In fact, they’re frowning. They don’t get it! Sound familiar? When that happens remember: “If you want something to change, only you can make that happen” Join us – […]

5 reasons to attend the Security IT Summit

Here are five reasons why you should attend the Security IT Summit this March… 1. Enjoy free, flexible virtual attendance to fit around your schedule.2. Our cutting-edge software creates you a bespoke itinerary that allows you to virtually meet essential and budget-saving suppliers for short 1-2-1 meetings, based on mutual agreement and matched requirements.3. Create new business […]

Do you specialise in Access Control? We want to hear from you!

Access Control

Each month on IT Security Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the cyber security market – and in February we’re focussing on Access Control solutions. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help IT security buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re an Access Control solutions […]

5 innovative cybersecurity training methods to try in 2021

By Juta Gurinaviciute, Chief Technology Officer at NordVPN Teams As much as 88% of data breaches are caused by human error, but only 43% of workers admit having made mistakes that compromised cybersecurity. In the past year a third of the breaches incorporated social engineering techniques and the cost of a breach caused by a human error averaged to $3.33 million.  […]

Do you specialise in Anti Virus? We want to hear from you!


Each month on IT Security Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the cyber security market – and in January we’re focussing on Anti Virus solutions. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help IT security buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you’re an Anti Virus solutions […]

Learn new things in 2021 with our online courses for online security professionals

Our selection of online courses tailored specifically for the IT Security sector will enable you to both learn new skills and improve existing ones – sign up today! These are specially-curated online courses designed to help you and your team, improve expertise and learn new things. The IT and Personal Development online learning bundle provides you with […]

Security IT Summit: Virtual & Live events tailored to your needs

We’re hosting the next Security IT Summit taking virtually in March, with a live event to follow in June – registration is now open for both! 9th & 10th March – 09:00-13:05 – Virtual booking form (flexible attendance options)29th June – Hilton London Canary Wharf – Live booking form Benefits of attending include:  Receive a bespoke itinerary of relaxed, 1-2-1 […]

WEBINAR: Get employees invested in your cyber strategy

With most business now conducted online, there’s a temptation to automate education too. But beware, removing opportunities for conversation impedes people’s ability to change. At a time when cybercriminals exploit human vulnerabilities, proactive secure behaviours are paramount. Organisations are finding success in developing networks of Security Champions. Security Champions provide context and meaning around security. […]

5 Minutes With… Stephen Whatling tackles the skills shortage in digital infrastructure

In the latest instalment of our IT security industry executive interview series, we spoke to Stephen Whatling (pictured), Chairman at BCS Integrated Solutions, about the skills shortage within digital infrastructure and how we can attract new talent to the sector… Will the widely reported ‘skills shortage’ in the sector start to cause real problems?  The […]